Lens Kode

Passion Project — Brand Identity, Web Design and Development

Lens Kode has a unique concept from the beginning, it is to capture eccentricity and ambiguity in an elegant manner. That’s the main theme of their photography studio.

Brand Assessment & Recognizing Challenges

They need to put themselves out there, establish visibility and tell their story before others speak about them first.

They need a foundational groundwork, aligned purpose, values, personality, and messaging. Eccentricity alone speaks for itself, but there are many ways to communicate or understand the meaning behind eccentricity. It can either work positively, or influence negatively.

How must the people recognize them? How should they want their studio to be perceived? We will set up a roadmap, re calibrate the gap between what their studio is about, who they are, what their message is, what their business goals are or where they want to be, and who are the people they think who need their business? Who will need the eccentricity concept? How will it help them?

We need to assess the current strengths, weakness, and where improvements can be implement. From where they currently are, and where they want their business to be.

Values & Goals

  • Approachable, Adventurous, and Innovation are their main values. Despite their intimidating visuals, the people behind the work are easy to work with. They strive to be more adventurous and innovative with their ideas to bring in uniqueness to their work and make their clients feel that their photography pieces are curated and customized per unique individual with the touch of their personality.
  • Creating website portfolio and photo book & more social media engagement are the proposed solutions for increasing their visibility and letting people know more about them.
  • Still Life, Event, Fashion & Architectural Industry are the chosen target market that will best fit with their photography theme.

Gaps & Opportunities

  • Rarity can bring both advantage and isolation.
  • Imagery that screams eccentricity and distinctive vibe.
  • An opportunity to redefine personalization.
  • A brand with purpose & social awareness.
  • Full consumer engagement that is approachable and genuine.

Brand's Personality & Archetype

  • CREATOR – the desire to create something new and exceptional, that wasn’t previously there, and has enduring value.
  • EXPLORER –  understanding themselves more than proving to others and they are on an everlasting journey of discovery.
  • OUTLAW – have a disdain for rules, regulation and conformity that would remove any form of their freedom of choice (or anyone else’s).

Website Design Mockup

The Design Process in Figma

Project Info

Designer & Developer: Lovella Gonzaga

Client: N/A – Passion Project

Launch Date: N/A

Category: Brand Identity, Web Design and Development

The Premium Package

• 5-Page Custom WordPress Website
• Website Wireframe
• Website Development Questionnaire
• 90-min Website Strategy Call
• 404 + Links in Bio (for social media)
• + 2 more pages (Sales Page, Lead Capture, name it)
• Responsive & Mobile-First Optimization
• Content Strategy + Copywriting Assistance
• Basic Search Engine Optimization
• Image Optimization
• Email Marketing Platform Integration
• Social Media Integration
• 2 Weeks Post-Launch Support
• Live Training Session + Recorded Video Tutorial

The Signature Package

• 5-Page Custom WordPress Website
• Website Wireframe
• Website Development Questionnaire
• 60-min Website Strategy Session
• 5 pages + 404 + Links in Bio (for social media) + Sitemap
• Responsive & Mobile-First Optimization
• Basic Search Engine Optimization
• Image Optimization
• 5-Days Post-Launch Support
• Live Training Session + Recorded Video Tutorial

The Essentials Package

• Singe-Page Custom WordPress Website
• Website Wireframe
• Website Development Questionnaire
• 30-min Website Questionnaire Run-through
• 404 + Links in Bio (for social media)
• Responsive & Mobile-First Optimization
• Basic Search Engine Optimization
• Image Optimization
• Live Training Session + Recorded Video Tutorial